Thursday, December 28, 2006

What Better Than Clips of British Men Fighting

Bridget Jones 2

Bridget Jones 1

English Man Teaches Self Defence

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Happy Christmas Eve

How the Grinch Stole Christmas

Linus tells us what Christmas is all about

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Friday, December 15, 2006

Simpson's Christmas

Have all three parts of the episodes load at once so you can watch without having to wait between sections.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Seizure Christmas

So I've been working on casting my 24 inch nude seated female piece and it's been tough. When we casts the heads it wasn't that bad, there were only 2 mold pieces, nice and simple. with this one i have 6 mold pieces, two are window plugs that hold together the spaces between the bent legs. We went to take them apart on tuesday so we can cast them on thursday. My teacher was the one who decided how big each mold piece should be and where they should be. One was too big and had to be split in half, my teacher said she would take out the windows because they were hard to get out and ended up breaking the pieces next to the windows. At the end of each day we have to put the mold back together and tie it with a rubber band. so all my pieces where balance together and i was nervous about tying it but i was told that the pieces will hold eachother together not to worry, next thing i know the pieces fell, one fell on the floor and broke it two. I told my teacher that my pieces didn't hold eachother together. My piece isn't even close to being ruined, it will just take a lot of repair work. but still very annoying

anyway just thought I'd get that off my chest before i go upstairs to the clayroom to fix my mold for tomorrow.

and watch this, this house is kind of like what i feel like.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

To Help Get You In the Christmas Sprit

1. It's a Wonderful Life
I love this because it shows you to appeciate what you have and even little good deeds that you do have a big impact on a lot of people. And who doesn't love Jimmy Stewart?

2. Scrooged
A modern day Christmas Carol (well modern as in the 80's). It's funny and scary, Santa gets attacked by terroists and is saved by the Million Dollar Man! Bill Murray is fantastic! Karen Allen is also fantastic! And Morgan Freeman, acutally isn't in this but if he was he would be great because everybody loves Morgan Freeman!

3. A Christmas Story
It's played for 24 hours on Christmas for a reason.

4. Charlie Brown's Christmas
Because Linus gets me everytime

5. How the Grinch Stole Chritmas
Dr. Suess and Christmas! How can you go wrong?
6. Mickey's Christmas Carol
Too short but I guess you could call it short and sweet. I like how almost all of the classic Disney characters are included in some way or another.
7. The Muppet's Christmas Carol
One of the better versions of the Chirstmas Carol, the muppets make it a little jollier.
8. Home Alone
Yes there are some wholes in the plot, and yes all the jokes about the scream got old. But the music is great and it's a movie that makes you laugh and feel all warm and fuzzy in the end. And old Pete from Pete and Pete is in it.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Due to the Recent Weather

Since it's been so warm latly I've been thinking about you know global warming and saving the world. I found a site I signed up for the Stop Global Warming Virtual March and thought I'd post a few of their world saving tips.

-Replace 3 frequently used light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs. Save 300 lbs. of carbon dioxide and $60 per year.
-Make sure your printer paper is 100% post consumer recycled paper. Save 5 lbs. of carbon dioxide per ream of paper.
-Take shorter showers. Showers account for 2/3 of all water heating costs. Save 350 lbs. of carbon dioxide and $99 per year.
-Unplug un-used electronics. Even when electronic devices are turned off, they use energy. Save over 1,000 lbs of carbon dioxide and $256 per year.
-Air Dry Your Clothes. Line-dry your clothes in the spring and summer instead of using the dryer. Save 700 lbs. of carbon dioxide and $75 per year.
-Bring Cloth Bags to the Market. Using your own cloth bag instead of plastic or paper bags reduces waste and requires no additional energy.

Anyway I hope you check it out, siging up wasnt a big deal you just put your name, e-mail, zip code and country

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sorry the sounds a little off on Charlie Brown

Ignore the movie and just listen to the song

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Spring '07

I registered for my classes yesterday, I've already changed my schedule twice since yesterday and I might change it again, who knows. But as of now I'm signed up for; American History, Italian II, Drawing Studio, Watercolor, Claywork I/II, Printmaking: Into to Monotype, and Video I. I might add Intro to Etching but I'm not sure if I can because I'm taking a January class and I have to figure out how many credits I have. For my January class I'm taking Decades the 80's, it's an art history class.

I'm really excited about my video class I hope to become half as good as this guy...

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Saturday, November 11, 2006

New 7 Wonders of the World!

Since all of the original & wonders are gone, except the Pyramids at Giza, they are voting on new ones. You can go online and vote, you have to register but it's free, I think you only have to register so you can't vote too many times. Anyway the choices are the Acropolis, Hagia Sophia, the Kremlin/St. Basil's, the Colosseum, Neuschwanstein Castle (I went there over the summer and it's beautiful but it's unfinished and has a akward gift shop), the Eiffel Tower, Stonehenge, the Alhambra (i think Laurel did something on this for World History class), the Great Wall of China, Kiyomizu Temple, the Sydney Opera House, Angkor, the Taj Mahal, Timbuktu, Petra, the Pyramids of Giza (yes you can vote the keep them in), the Statue of Christ Redeemer, the Easter Island Statues, Machu Picchu, Chichen Itzá, and the Statue of Liberty.

Now I know you all are probally so excited you are about to pee yourself so I will give you the website so you can rush off and vote!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Election Day

Here's a little something for all you voters out there.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Happy Belated Halloween

For Halloween Alex and I watched Halloween and the Shining. He knows I don't really like scary movies so he let me pick the movies and eat reese's, cookie dough and ice cream while we watched. I saw a preview for the shining on youtube the other day I part of me wishes the shining was more like this.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Pressured Duck

The movie should work now, if not let me know.

Alex and I saw this duck in Boston Common, Alex did the filming, i did the editing and sound.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Party TIME!!!!!

Don't forget, tonight at 8! I have a little veggie plater, a couple bags of chips, chex mix, diet coke, root beer, dr. pepper, and i'm making a cake, but if anyone can think of something else to bring go right ahead. The only bad news is my parents are getting back 10am Sunday morning and want everyone out by then :(...and i have basically one real parking spot and i can maybe fit one or two cars on the lawn, people can also park on center street...anywho i can't wait i'm very excited!

Thursday, May 18, 2006


Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Best Date Ever

So it was rainy and i was wearing new shoes and they killed my feet so instead of going to dinner we went to my dorm and watched walk the line, twice, we talked all the way through it both times and then we realized it was 3am and he had to take a cab home. His name is Alex. I think you guys will like him. He has the same sence of humor as me. he's a little bit older than me, but that doesn't seem to be a problem, my mommy said it was ok, lol. Anyway, he might come up to visit next week so maybe some of you can meet him.

And I'm home now! I got home on Tuesday, and if anyone is free this friday i was thinking of watching mission impossible in BF.

Anywho, I hope to see you soon!

And Sunday is my birthday! and a week and 3 days until my party!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Rain is Dumb!

Why is rain dumb:

1. It messes up my hair.

2. It makes a light tee-shirt, light bra combo very important

3. It's wet and often cold

4. It makes me sleepy

5. It's depressing

6. The drowned rat look will never be in

7. I was planning on taking my week off to walk around the city but it's raining

8. When it gets in my sneakers making my feet wet I feel cold for the rest of the day

9. I have a date on Saturday and it's going to rain, so I'm going to look like crap

10. When it's cold and rainy my nose runs, and I also hate runny noses.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Pedophiles and Perverts

So I went to the movies with some friends Thursday night, the movie theater was huge like three floors and you could by ice cream and uno's pizza to bring in the theater with you, but anyway we watched Hard Candy. You all know Patrick Wilson, Raoul from Phantom of the Opera, well picture him as the hottest pedophiles in the world. I didn't really know a lot about the movie when I went to see it which with this movie that's a good thing, because I never would have imagines the movie to turn out how it did. I will tell you that Sandra Oh has like a 5 min part and Ellen Page who plays Hayley in real life is 19, and for the slightly squeamish *cough Leah cough* I wouldn't recommended it. The movie isn't upbeat or romantic it's another one of the movies where they make the bad guy so cute and sometimes even likeable that you find yourself hoping things will turn out alright for him even if he doesn't deserve a happy ending.

And now for the pervert section of this post...

The first Friday of every month there's a big gallery opening in the South End. I guess a bunch of artists took these old abandoned factories and made them into studios and so now once a month anyone who wants to go in can and there's free food and wine (no i.d. needed but no i didn't drink any). The only problem is you have to walk a little ways from the T stop to the galleries which means walking in the south end which can be pretty sketchy. Me and about 5 of my friends were walking down the street and this middle age man waves and says "hello ladies" and then he walked right into a cement cylinder (you know the kind that keep cars from driving in certain places) anyway you can tell it hit his balls and hard because he kind of limped away and when we looked back he was like shaking out his legs, it was really funny, it's what you get when you try to hit on girls young enough to be your daughter.

Thursday, May 04, 2006


the most stressful part of my last few weeks of school is over! I was up until 2 Tuesday night and had to wake up at 6:30 then had class until 5:30 pm then i went to the red sox game, but i made it through. The only problem is I got my roommates cold and can't really talk right now but I don't even care all this stress is gone!
The red sox game was so much fun, it was cold and rainy and the red sox lost but it was such a great game. The only bad part of the game was when this girl wanted to talk to some people on the other side of me and parker and there were two empty seats between me and this guy she wanted to talk to and she stops right in front of me practically straddling me and starts talking to this guy. If you've ever been to fenway you know that it's tiny and there is no room for that crap. She was standing there for a few mins and i finally start craking up because it was so redicuolus and parker started laughing and then the girl finally moved over to the empty seats! I don't know what her problem was but Parker and I agree she smelled like old hooker, even though i've never smelled an old hooker before i'm guessing it smelled just like her.
Ok well i think i'm going to take a nice long afternoon nap and then clean my room and then watch some movies.
And when does everyone get back?

Friday, April 28, 2006

My next three weeks

Monday: Last figures class, Studio final, and last english class(big stupid paper due)
Tuesday: Last day to work in class on final projects for painting I, Art History Final
Wednesday: Figures final, Last day Lecture class(still need to write 6 short papers), Last day intro to tech (need to finish website), GOING TO RED SOX GAME WITH PARKER!!!!
Thursday:Final project in painting I due
Friday - Sunday: nothing
Monday: English final
Tuesday-Sunday: nothing
Monday: final crit

So basically my next week is going to be rough and instead of doing my work i'm sitting here writing on my blog. I guess this means that talking to you guys is more fun than writing 7 papers, doing 3 projcts, and finishing a website.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Oh Lesley

So this week is Quad Fest the Lesley girls are going crazy with excitement, or just going crazy I'm not sure which. Wednesday they had free massages and after they show you how to give someone else a massage and then Planned Parenthood handed out condoms and signed you up for a raffle to win a sex basket. Now I'm not sure what made Lesley University decided to do this event but I stayed far, far away.
So far the only event I've gone to was the Wednesday showing of Match Point. I have a feeling that I wasn't supposed to like Jonathan Rhys Meyers but he looked so good I found it easy to forgive him for the stupid things he does. I was kind of disappointed by Scarlett Johansson's acting it seemed like she was in a high school play sometimes with a bunch of awkward hand gestures. But still good.
I actually saw a movie that I didn't like, I was shocked because I usually like every movie I watch. The Triplets of Belleville, yes it was great as art but as entertainment it was boring. I think I would have liked it better if I had known before that it didn't have any dialogue.

I wrote everything above last Friday then I felt the need to go to the store and buy cookie dough and strawberries and forgot about this....

But recently...
On Monday the shuttle driver hit a guy on a bike, i guess the guy was ok, and the driver wasn't fired
Tuesday morning at 2am a girl (i dont know who) was raped in one of the lounges in another building. A bunch of news crews and what not were here, it's pretty weird but since it happened in another building and i dont know the person i'm not too scared even though they dont know who did the raping. I guess some people on her floor could hear her scream for help but they thought she was just fooling around and since it was 2am everyone just ignored her.

on a lighter side, i'm almost done with my website for intro to tech, i had to put a blog on there too so you can check that out, i haven't finished the movie page and i'm going to change my picture

on a sader note, but not as sad as the other thing. Remember that really cute frog that jessica gave me for my birthday, well i'm painting that and some other things for my final project in painting class and i dropped it today and it's arm fell off, i was so sad, i think i can glue it back on but it's still very upsetting.

And a couple of boys here are driving me crazy, they keep peeing on the seat! at first i thought it was just a simple aiming mistake but it just keeps happening so my roommate made a sign last night saying please dont pee on the seat. this moring the sign was in the toilet and the seat was covered in pee. i don't know all the girls on my floor might go and talk to the C.A. about it but i think that might just make it worse.

anyway i think that's it....wait no it isn't...sorry i have a lot of catching up to do.

maybe i should just save the rest for tomorrow, leave you all in suspence

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

2 Movies, a book and a play

So I saw Memoirs of a geisha on Thursday, it was really good but I would recommed putting on the subtitles, I"m not really sure why they would have Chinese actors playing Japanese people, speaking english.
I also watched everything is illuminated which was great it was both funny and very sad I enjoyed it. The seeing eye dog Sammy Davis Jr. Jr. was great. I couldn't look at Elijah Wood without thinking about him eating my fingers...anyway....
I finally finished Fahrenheit 451 it was good, for some reason it made me want to go into the woods and bond with nature, I'm not sure why but it did. I hear they made a horrible movie of it, I don't think I'll watch it.
Cinderella was fantastic! It was so weird seeing little Patrick and Lindsey being all grown up and starring in a play. I really didn't think that I wouldn't know over half the cast.
Sorry I don't have too much to say, I'm watching Gilmore Girls and doing homework while writing this.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Brokeback Mountain

I think I was the last person at my school to watch Brokeback Mountain but I finally watched it last night (the school shows movies for free most Sunday nights). It was actually really good, and very sad. I didn't think I would be able to understand a romantic relationship between two men but i could compleatly relate to some of the things they were feeling (except the obvious im married to a woman and want to be with a man sort of problems). I think it's the kind of movie that Leah would give me disapproving looks all through but I still think Leah you might be able to enjoy it. I think the most disturbing part didn't even involve Heath Ledger and Jake's "relations" it actually had to do with a quick shot of a certain character's breasts (if/when you see it you should know what I mean).
Well that's about it :)
Wait...Just kidding that's not it. Today in my studio class (a.k.a. slow boring torture) we had to make a group project that involved touch, hearing and sight. so we took and orange and put paper clips on it to make it pointy, then wrapped a little string around the paper clips then made kind of a little ladder with wood and rubber bands and attached it to the orange and a chain of rubber bands on the other side of the orange so you could make the orange bounce when you hold the ends, anyway on each step of the ladder we wrote "Lick Me", "Touch Me" "Smell Me", "Break Me (because it kept falling apart)", "Hear Me" and then "Fuck Me". So it was basically 3 hours of trying to B.S. a project, the teacher actually liked it, and the other groups just kept saying how sexual they thought it was, and trust me if you didn't look at the writing you wouldn't think anything about it was sexual. So we did the math and we pay about $500/class, which means I paid $500 today to make a mutated sexual piece of fruit. It was a sad, sad day.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

How My Art History Teacher Saved "Bird in Space" and other things

Ok so keep in mind that my art teacher is this little 5 foot i think Itailan woman maybe in her late 40's, she's always very funny without meaning to be. Well she was showing us a slide of "Bird in Space" it's an abstract sculpture by Constantine Brancuse, and she started to tell us how she used to work at a musuem in Italy and this piece was there, she was working as a guard and was just looking at different works when she noticed a crack in "Bird in Space" so she reported it and they fixed it, with out her the crack could have gotten bigger then just snapped in half...then 5 minutes later she managed to break the slide projector, it was very cute.

Also Thursday night I watched Paradise Now, i won't tell you what it was about but it was sad and it was hard to believe that things like it actually happen, i think you should all watch it if you don' t mind subtitles. Then I watched The Squid and the Whale, it was alright if you have the chance you should watch it but dont exspect to be amazed.

As you may or may not know I'm planning on going to Italy my spring semester next year so I was looking at all the coures they offer and i'm not even joking when i tell you that they have History of Prostitution: from the Origins to the Renaissance, and Sociology and the History of the Italian Mafia! I am so excited i hate it because i want to take almost every class they offer but I can only go for a semester, i've started watching the Godfather, so far i've seen part I and Part II so that mafia class is looking pretty good. it's going to be tough.

And since Billy is still in high school we're going to prom, i think it's going to be akward but i get to get dressed up and that's all i really care about. I bought my dress Friday and i'm already having second thoughts, I always do this with dresses when i tried it on in the store i thought it made my butt look funny but i thought it was just my panties, but when i got home i tried it on with a different pair of undies and it still looked funny so either the dress looks funny or my but looks funny, course i dont know what i was thinking, a big butted girl buying a prom dress that shows off the butt! i hope i don't have to pull a Bridget Jones and get something for all my wobbly bits. But the front half looks pretty hot if you ask me, maybe i can just keep my back to the wall the whole time, i dont know, But i definatly missed you guys when I was trying on dresses cause no one here wanted to look at prom dresses with me so i had no one with me to here their opinion :( But i kept the recept so if i dont like i can always return it. But my shoes are amazing! i cant even descibe them but if i could go with just a bathrobe and my shoes i would.

OK this is the last thing i promise, April 1st and 2nd the high school is putting on Cinderella for anyone whose interested, i'm going because billy's an extra and wants me to cheer him on and depended on how bitchy and certain chorus teacher is i may or may not help with makeup. ok well that's all for now.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

I just don't get it...

Every night I go to the cafeteria hoping that tonight will be the night I will eat good food, and everynight I'm disappointed. Tonight they had something wrapped in tin foil labeled "vegan", some pork that looked like it had been sitting out for too long, and some perfectly fine chicken covered in bright red gunk. So I grabbed an apple and two slices of bread and a handful of chips, in a to-go container and went back to my room disappointed. The apple was really good, the chips were chips and the bread was stale and I couldn't get past the first bite.
I don't understand how the school could expect people to eat that stuff. They make vegan meal, vegetarian meals, cultural dishes, but what about meals for picky eaters?!?!?! I have to eat too! :( I'll have to give in and do some grocery shopping this weekend.

But on a positive note, I was the only one to bring in footage for my movie in intro to tech class, so I got a few brownie points and this guy in my class said that laurel was a "good actress" ;) I think he meant to say that he wanted her. My movie is kind of like a music video to Nina Simone's "Please don't Let Me Be Misunderstood" (the songs were randomly passed out) the song is about a guy who is apologizing to his girlfriend after beating her up, Billy plays the boyfriend and Laurel plays the girlfriend. Of course as my mom would say, getting Billy to look like a girlfriend beater is like trying to turn Bambi into a shark." But I think it's going to turn out all right.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

I have given in...

Three quarter through my freshman year and I've finally given and got a blog. I don't know why I didn't get one before, maybe because everyone else had one, or I thought it would be just another distraction. But I miss talking to my friends from high school and being able to rant about stupid things to them so I got a blog. :)