Saturday, October 27, 2007


So I started my second job a couple weeks ago. I'm now an Italian tutor. So far it's going alright, it's only three hours a week so I still have time for homework and a little free time but not much.

Red Sox madness was in full swing this week. Wednesday night I was in Psych class right across from Fenway, the class is 6:45-9:15 so right in the middle the game started and jets went flying over the school and the park and shook the building.

I finally got my summer grades back so next semester I will be a senior, which means I have to apply for grad school before next semester because I'm supposed to start grad classes senior year so I get my masters quicker.

Alex got some animations in the "Short Attention Span festival" last night. It was great,he had the most work in the festival, five pieces, and people laughed the most at his stuff.

Anyway so that's pretty much what I've been up to for the last few weeks.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Work, Work, Work

(Myles' comment reminded me of this comic)
I have no real purpose in writing right now, i'm just a little board and felt like rambling.

In my figure sculpture class we have projects we work on just in class and then compleatly independent outside projects of our choice. I'm making four 6-8" figure sculptures one of someone very fat, very thin, very old and I haven't decided the last one. I can really change my mind as a go along. I'm starting the fat one this weekend. I need to go to the hardwear store first and pick up some wire and stuff to make the armature (a structure for the clay to hold on to). I'm going to post some pictures as I work on it. I realized the other day that I don't have any pictures of my work on here.

My schedule at the library changed so now I won't be as busy during the week.

Parker is coming back from Egypt and Turkey on Wednesday. I'm pretty excited. I think he's staying at my place Wednesday night and then my mom is coming to get him at some point.

I got an email from my school today saying they are having a free school trip to Mt Monadnock. I think I'm going to go so if anyone's in the area on Sunday Sept 30th I will be on a Mt. They are giving us lunches and sweet rolls so the name of the trip is "The School of Hard Rocks and Sweet Rolls"! I think that is pretty amazing.

I watched East of Eden with James Dean the other day. :S The acting was great but the movie was awful. They took like the last 150 pages of this book and made it into a movie. They even left out one of the main characters, actually now that I think about it they left out everyone who wasn't in the last 150 pages too. I was so disappointed because I loved the book. My mom said the mini-seris done in the 80's was good as long as I overlooked how 80's it was. It's funny because the entire time I was watching it I was saying to Alex "They have to remake this". I went on imdb the next day and a remake of East of Eden is coming out in 2009. It was really weird. It's kind of like how if you just think "Boy I haven't seen Shawshank redemption in a while" within a week it's on tv.

anyway that's the end of my random babling

Sunday, September 16, 2007

It's Good to Be Back

I'm starting my secound full week of classes tomorrow. I find it's kind of hard to get back in the swing of things. I like all my classes so far, they seem like they are going to be a lot of work though. I'm taking Illustration techniques, Advanced Figure Sculpture, Printmaking, Ancient and Medeval Art History, Boston Skecthbook, and Psychology. And I'm back working at the library. Wednesdays and Thursdays I'm at school either in class or at work for at least 12 hours.

I unpacked the last box in my apartment on Friday. It feels so nice to be a little more settled. It still doesn't really feel like home. A lot of windows still need curtains, the oven isn't working right now (the landlord said it would be done in a week about 2 weeks ago :S), and we have this one room that compleatly empty that I'm not really sure what I'm going to do with yet. We're thinking about useing it as a studio space.

I put my Netflix on hold for the semester and started renting a ton of movies from the library. I watched Howl's Moving Castle for the first time. I didn't think I would like the story, I really just rented it because Hayao Miyazaki is supposed to be a fantastic animator. Anyway I loved it. I rented East of Eden and Lawerence of Arabia too, but I haven't watched them yet.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

#7 Some Like it Hot

Joe and Jerry (Tony Curtis, Jack Lemmon) are musicians running from the mob, the only way they can hide is to dress as women and join a female band going to Miami. The problem is Joe falls in love with Sugar Kane (Marilyn Monroe) and an old millionare falls in love with Jerry.

And here are some more unrealted funny clips

Monday, May 14, 2007

#8 Young Frankenstein

Young Frankenstein is fantastic. luckily for you youtube didn't let me down this time and actually had many fantastic clips so here you go!

I had my final crit today. it actually went quite fantasically. everyone seemed to really like my work. so for the rest of the week i have work at the library and i have to get together stuff for my visa and then i have my visa appointment on friday and then i'll be home on saturday.

oh by the way
ONE WEEK UNTIL MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!

Monday, May 07, 2007

#9 The Three Amigos

Chevy Chase, Steve Martin and Martin Short with silly hats in one movie!

This is actually me and Alex's song


Here's a hint...

if only the flys looked like this:

Friday, April 27, 2007

#10 Uncle Buck

Oh Youtube you've let me down. Uncle Buck is hilarious but youtube doesn't have some of it's funniest clips, like when John Candy makes giant pancakes for Macauley Culkin's birthday "You should see the toast I couldn't even get it through the door!" But heres a little clip of John Candy, who is watching his nieces and nephew for a few days, going to an elementary school for a meeting with the vice principal.

To make up for the lack of uncle buck clips I will bombard you with random funny things.

These next 3 clips are the Welcome, Intermission and closing for The Animation Show, all clips are done by Don Hertzfeldt

Next are some banned/funny comercials

Well I suppose that's enough for now I should probally get back to work, I haven't blogged latly because of all the work i have (I bet everyone else is busy at this time of year too).

Oh but just to let you know i've been accepted to go to Italy this July (all I have to do is apply for my visa)!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

#11 Caddyshack

I know that Caddyshack is great but I couldn't seem to express with words how great it is so I had Alex write about it.

Why is caddyshack so fantastic? Well where do we begin? First off it has Rodney Dangerfield (his best movie next to Back to School and Easy Money), Chevy Chase (best movie next to Vacation and 3 Amigos) Ted Knight ( best movie next to, oh wait a minute), bill murray, and that gopher! the scene w/ the baby ruth in the pool, the scene with bill murray pretending he's at the masters, the part at the marina! I have had full conversations with people only using lines from this movie (hence the SNL sketch). All and all, if you need a reason to understand why this movie is so good then you have obviously never seen the movie, therfore not living your life to the fullest!

special geust writer Alex Cormack

ps is what the alphabet would look like with out Q and R

pps gunga alunga, gung gung gunga alunga
wise words from the Dali Lama

In other news... is now up and running!

Alex has all his cartoons and some videos and what not on there, you should all go and check it out.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

#12 Animal House

Number one on most people's lists, Animal House is a classic. If you haven't seen it, watch it.

In other news...

I just got back from vacation. It was pretty boring I pretty much just sat around. I saw Ryan on Thursday, we went to see Reno 911. It was actually pretty funny.

Parker got back from his road trip. Monday we saw the 300, which didn't have much dialogue but what to you expect from a movie about Spartans? The best way to watch it is to try and ignore the violence and concentrate on the have naked men in fantastic shape.

I saw The Last King of Scotland, which was also violent but fantasic too. Forest Whitaker earned his Oscar. I rented Borat it was even funnier than I thought it was going to be. Sunday night I rented (Nexflixed) Stranger than Fiction. I think it was one of Will Ferrell's best movies yet. It was a comedy with a really good plot.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

#13 Little Miss Sunshine

Little Miss Sunshine is about a family going to California for a child beauty pageant. Of course the family is made up of a drug addict grandfather (Alan Arkin), a son who took a vow of silence (Paul Dano), a loser father (Greg Kinnear), a worn out mother (Toni Collette), the uncle (Steve Carell) a homosexual scholar who recently tried to kill himself and a daughter who wants more than anything to win the Little Miss Sunshine competition (Abigail Breslin)

Monday, February 26, 2007

#14 Dumb and Dumber

Yes it can be cheesy and childish but that's also what makes it great. I don't know how many time I've declared that there's no need for a radio and start singing "mocking bird". And who hasn't thought about converting a van into an animal?

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

#15 Best in Show

Number 15 on my list of Greatest Comidies of all time Best in Show.

From the makers of This Is Spinal Tap (1984) A Mighty Wind (2003), and For Your Consideration (2006). Best in Show is a mockumentary on a national dog show staring Parker Posey, Eugene Levy, Catherine O'Hara, and Christopher Guest.

"And to think that in some countries these dogs are eaten." Buck Laughlin, Best in Show

And on a differnt topic I hope you all had a wonderful President's Day

Saturday, February 17, 2007

# 16. Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure

Number 16 on my list of Greatest Comedies of All Time: Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure

Bill and Ted (Alex Winter and Keanu Reeves) are two excellent dudes about to fail their history class and be separated, bogus! Luckily they are given a time machine from Rufus, a righteous dude from the future (George Carlin), and are able to go back in time and collect people from history to help them with their history presentation. Can they make it through history in time to give their report? Will they pass their class and go on to create the greatest band ever? Will they ever get Socrates' name right? Watch and find out.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

I think I just peed myself!!!!

Sorry for the title but it's true, I'm so excited and I just can't hide it. Mark you're calendars May 22nd, 2008 (the day after my 21th Birthday) is the offical release date of Indiana Jones 4! Filming is starting in June of this year. Yes, I know Harrison Ford isn't very young but I guess they are working that into the script. Here's the link to the article I found on bbc news or you can check out

and here's a little somthing to get you ready.

" I don't know if the pants still fit but I know the hat will. " - Harrison Ford

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Oh February

When I think about February I think about two things, Valentine's Day and Mario Lopez (or is he AC Slater).

Friday, January 26, 2007

Ashley the Librarian

Yes it's true, you're friend Ashley is now a librarian at AIB. I practiced my "Sssshhhh!" all week and today I was ready! Of course sshhing isn't the only responsibility of being a librarian, so I also watched some insprationaly, and informative clips on libraries and what it means to work in one.

This first clip is from UHF, if you haven't seen it yet you should, it's fantastic

And this clip provided by the US government

The cookie monster almost made me change my mind about becoming a librarian but then I decided that I could life a couple hours without a cookie

Friday, January 12, 2007

Michel Gondry's feet vs. Rubik's Cube

From the director of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and The Science of Sleep comes an amazing feet of cubic proportions (all puns intended)

Now here's how he did it

Saturday, January 06, 2007

the 80's

So far in my 80's class we've watched Micheal Jackson videos and a few others. We learned about some good and some horrible art made in the 80's and we went to the ICA.

I only have a few questions about this video
1. Where did he get that giant bow tie?
2. Is he dancing in front of jello?
3. Where did he get marbles that big?

A little Thriller triva, did you know that Micheal Jackson orginally wanted his pastic surgery to look something like this video but a survey showed that the face scared childern too much.

How did Micheal Jackson get John Landis to direct his music video? He directed Animal House, Blues Brothers, An American Werewolf in London, Trading Places, ¡Three Amigos!, and Coming to America!

Take on Me
I hope this teaches you all a very important lesson, always pay your bill before climbing into a comic book.

A very unpolictically correct Whip It