Saturday, October 27, 2007


So I started my second job a couple weeks ago. I'm now an Italian tutor. So far it's going alright, it's only three hours a week so I still have time for homework and a little free time but not much.

Red Sox madness was in full swing this week. Wednesday night I was in Psych class right across from Fenway, the class is 6:45-9:15 so right in the middle the game started and jets went flying over the school and the park and shook the building.

I finally got my summer grades back so next semester I will be a senior, which means I have to apply for grad school before next semester because I'm supposed to start grad classes senior year so I get my masters quicker.

Alex got some animations in the "Short Attention Span festival" last night. It was great,he had the most work in the festival, five pieces, and people laughed the most at his stuff.

Anyway so that's pretty much what I've been up to for the last few weeks.


Laurel said...

yay :) good to hear from you! I'm so annoyed the red sox are doing so well and i can't watch- the games start at like 2 in the morning here- and they don't show them on tv anyways- grrrr....

Me said...

I really hope we loose at least one game because I am onduty sunday...which would be the winning game 4 if they win tonight and that would suck...

I also like hearing form you

Myles said...

Congrats to Alex for getting his work in that festival!
Ha, I hope when the Sox do win - or lose for that matter - your school has the riot barriers up. You're a bit too close to ground zero.

Me said...

DUDE I want to be that close to ground would be awesome!!!!!!!!

If I wasn't on duty tonight I would be ready to head into boston like a tool with all the other fans. (if I had a car)

Ashley said...

Well I was just sitting in my apartment now I I heard a lot of yelling and screaming and sure enough I checked online and the sox won! Alex went into the city earlier to watch the game in some bar, that sounded a bit too manly for me so i stayed home and watched batman begins and superman returns, which is kind of like watching baseball...sort of...

Leah said...

Hi Ashley! Update us please!!!! How is school...almost done for the semester??? How is Boston treating you!