Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Rain is Dumb!

Why is rain dumb:

1. It messes up my hair.

2. It makes a light tee-shirt, light bra combo very important

3. It's wet and often cold

4. It makes me sleepy

5. It's depressing

6. The drowned rat look will never be in

7. I was planning on taking my week off to walk around the city but it's raining

8. When it gets in my sneakers making my feet wet I feel cold for the rest of the day

9. I have a date on Saturday and it's going to rain, so I'm going to look like crap

10. When it's cold and rainy my nose runs, and I also hate runny noses.


Leah said...

You have a week off? From what for what? I like light rain.

Ashley said...

well kind of from the 5th to the 15th, but on the 8th I had a really, really easy english final that took exactly 10 mins and on the 15th I have a 3 hr final crit, which I am really nervous about but they will only be talking about my work for 20 mins so it shouldn't be that bad, and then it's vacation, so you could say that i'm on summer vacation now but i'm stuck at school with nothing to do

Jess-Beast said...

I've got a final crit. Not a happy thing- but my professor thinks I'm wonderful and I think I'll come away without being ripped entirely to shreds.

Laurel said...

oooh.. a date, with who.. dish. dish (as myles would say) also i love the drowned rat look and personally think any man who gets to see you in a wet t-shirt should consider himself personally blessed

Myles said...

Did I use the term dish before? It's silly enough for me to have...anyway, yeah rain does suck and so do runny noses.

Good luck with your date and your final crit!

Ashley said...

don't worry i will dish on sunday :)

Me said...

sounds like fun to me... I like the rain in small doses...I would like some right now to get rid of the nasty catapilars that we have here on campus.

Ashley said...

it strated raining tuesday and isn't supposed to stop until next saturday