Saturday, May 06, 2006

Pedophiles and Perverts

So I went to the movies with some friends Thursday night, the movie theater was huge like three floors and you could by ice cream and uno's pizza to bring in the theater with you, but anyway we watched Hard Candy. You all know Patrick Wilson, Raoul from Phantom of the Opera, well picture him as the hottest pedophiles in the world. I didn't really know a lot about the movie when I went to see it which with this movie that's a good thing, because I never would have imagines the movie to turn out how it did. I will tell you that Sandra Oh has like a 5 min part and Ellen Page who plays Hayley in real life is 19, and for the slightly squeamish *cough Leah cough* I wouldn't recommended it. The movie isn't upbeat or romantic it's another one of the movies where they make the bad guy so cute and sometimes even likeable that you find yourself hoping things will turn out alright for him even if he doesn't deserve a happy ending.

And now for the pervert section of this post...

The first Friday of every month there's a big gallery opening in the South End. I guess a bunch of artists took these old abandoned factories and made them into studios and so now once a month anyone who wants to go in can and there's free food and wine (no i.d. needed but no i didn't drink any). The only problem is you have to walk a little ways from the T stop to the galleries which means walking in the south end which can be pretty sketchy. Me and about 5 of my friends were walking down the street and this middle age man waves and says "hello ladies" and then he walked right into a cement cylinder (you know the kind that keep cars from driving in certain places) anyway you can tell it hit his balls and hard because he kind of limped away and when we looked back he was like shaking out his legs, it was really funny, it's what you get when you try to hit on girls young enough to be your daughter.


Myles said...

hahahaha I would have burst out laughing - at the guy walking into the post not at the movie - Finals is next week for me but I think the worst is over for me too.

Me said...

Theres a word for those moves, its called Slick!!!

Me said...

I was talking about the moves of the lame man. and I labled them sLick.

Myles said...

oh, I think Ashley was just overcompensating for your usual bad spelling.

I'm a dead man.

Me said...

see if i ever let you use my can opener again!

Jess-Beast said...

Oh- harsh!

Leah said...

What does your can opener have to do with ANYTHING?

Me said...

My can opener has magical powers, didn't you know?
It gives you access to the food that happens to reside in the mystical Aluminum cylinders, which are very hard to open with your teeth.

Jess-Beast said...

And she's the only one who has one...

Ashley said...

I can picture myles trying to open cans with his teeth, it makes me laugh

Laurel said...

oh teehee... small tear.. you make me happy

Ashley said...

No i dont think you're old enough to be a pedophile yet, unless the girl was 14 or under