Wednesday, April 05, 2006

2 Movies, a book and a play

So I saw Memoirs of a geisha on Thursday, it was really good but I would recommed putting on the subtitles, I"m not really sure why they would have Chinese actors playing Japanese people, speaking english.
I also watched everything is illuminated which was great it was both funny and very sad I enjoyed it. The seeing eye dog Sammy Davis Jr. Jr. was great. I couldn't look at Elijah Wood without thinking about him eating my fingers...anyway....
I finally finished Fahrenheit 451 it was good, for some reason it made me want to go into the woods and bond with nature, I'm not sure why but it did. I hear they made a horrible movie of it, I don't think I'll watch it.
Cinderella was fantastic! It was so weird seeing little Patrick and Lindsey being all grown up and starring in a play. I really didn't think that I wouldn't know over half the cast.
Sorry I don't have too much to say, I'm watching Gilmore Girls and doing homework while writing this.


Jess-Beast said...

Are you as much as a fanatic for the Gilmore Girls as I am... or are you able to control yourself?

Laurel said...

i read that book this fall! i really want to see the movie you made so send it to me soon!!

Me said...

I want to see memoirs of a Geisia (i dont think thats right) I read the book and now I want to see them movie really bad

Myles said...

I read 451 in 8th grade, I don't remember liking it...but I didn't like much of anything back then.

I wish I had gone to the show now...I'll just have to visit after school gets out.

Leah said...

I really should see Memoires of a Giesha because I know nothing and there are whole classes at my school on that topic.