Sunday, March 26, 2006

How My Art History Teacher Saved "Bird in Space" and other things

Ok so keep in mind that my art teacher is this little 5 foot i think Itailan woman maybe in her late 40's, she's always very funny without meaning to be. Well she was showing us a slide of "Bird in Space" it's an abstract sculpture by Constantine Brancuse, and she started to tell us how she used to work at a musuem in Italy and this piece was there, she was working as a guard and was just looking at different works when she noticed a crack in "Bird in Space" so she reported it and they fixed it, with out her the crack could have gotten bigger then just snapped in half...then 5 minutes later she managed to break the slide projector, it was very cute.

Also Thursday night I watched Paradise Now, i won't tell you what it was about but it was sad and it was hard to believe that things like it actually happen, i think you should all watch it if you don' t mind subtitles. Then I watched The Squid and the Whale, it was alright if you have the chance you should watch it but dont exspect to be amazed.

As you may or may not know I'm planning on going to Italy my spring semester next year so I was looking at all the coures they offer and i'm not even joking when i tell you that they have History of Prostitution: from the Origins to the Renaissance, and Sociology and the History of the Italian Mafia! I am so excited i hate it because i want to take almost every class they offer but I can only go for a semester, i've started watching the Godfather, so far i've seen part I and Part II so that mafia class is looking pretty good. it's going to be tough.

And since Billy is still in high school we're going to prom, i think it's going to be akward but i get to get dressed up and that's all i really care about. I bought my dress Friday and i'm already having second thoughts, I always do this with dresses when i tried it on in the store i thought it made my butt look funny but i thought it was just my panties, but when i got home i tried it on with a different pair of undies and it still looked funny so either the dress looks funny or my but looks funny, course i dont know what i was thinking, a big butted girl buying a prom dress that shows off the butt! i hope i don't have to pull a Bridget Jones and get something for all my wobbly bits. But the front half looks pretty hot if you ask me, maybe i can just keep my back to the wall the whole time, i dont know, But i definatly missed you guys when I was trying on dresses cause no one here wanted to look at prom dresses with me so i had no one with me to here their opinion :( But i kept the recept so if i dont like i can always return it. But my shoes are amazing! i cant even descibe them but if i could go with just a bathrobe and my shoes i would.

OK this is the last thing i promise, April 1st and 2nd the high school is putting on Cinderella for anyone whose interested, i'm going because billy's an extra and wants me to cheer him on and depended on how bitchy and certain chorus teacher is i may or may not help with makeup. ok well that's all for now.


Jess-Beast said...

Italy- goes gooey-eyed and gets all jealous- that's sounds so cool. You'd love Italy. Where would you be staying- Rome, Florence, Venice?

I could go to Italy too- but it has nothing to do with my major. I'm more than likely going to go to Bath, England if I want to go abroad.

Ashley said...

either tuscania or florence, i'm leaning towards florence just because from the looks of it there isn't much in tuscania and florence has a lot of great art there

Leah said...

Yeah...isn't Florence the capital of art? I'm seriously concidereing going to Rome JYA for a semester as a Classics major. It would be cool if we could be in Italy at the same time, but I guess not.

And yeah, the show...Mary's been giving us updates for weeks now on her blog and I went into school with my dad the other day because he's doing lights and sound again. But I've decided against coming home because I'm doing a lot that weekend, plus I"ve just been home.

Me said...

I'll be home that weekend its the start of my vacation. I cant wait to see it.... Mary and everyone are aparently ready to kill her, because she is turning into the next Mr. K.

So I'll see you there hopefully.

Myles said...

I'm definetly going to see Cinderella, I figure I can mooch a ride with you Katie? ha.

As for Italy that sounds like alot of fun! I can't wait until I go to Europe on some undefined date. Florence was the cultural center of the Renaissance and home of the Medici, but Tuscany has some good stuff as well. Come on, didn't Under the Tuscan Sun teach you anything? eh?
But seriousy, it'll be cool seeing you at the show

Ashley said...

Under the Tuscan Sun taught me that the only good man in Italy is American, and the name of the school is Lorenzo de' Medici Art and Italian Language Institute of Florence, how could i go wrong with the Medicis?

Laurel said...

aww.. prom dress shopping. I wish i could have gone with. you definitly need to brush up on your prostitution, its just blatantly obvious that you're so behind on these things. geesh. i rsvp's to your b-day partay!

Ashley said...

Oh Laurel I've missed you, you're the first person to say anything about prom dress shopping, i wish you were there