Wednesday, February 07, 2007

I think I just peed myself!!!!

Sorry for the title but it's true, I'm so excited and I just can't hide it. Mark you're calendars May 22nd, 2008 (the day after my 21th Birthday) is the offical release date of Indiana Jones 4! Filming is starting in June of this year. Yes, I know Harrison Ford isn't very young but I guess they are working that into the script. Here's the link to the article I found on bbc news or you can check out

and here's a little somthing to get you ready.

" I don't know if the pants still fit but I know the hat will. " - Harrison Ford


Me said...

so I guess this means I have to actually watch and remember all the other indiana movies, not that I'll be lost or anything....

Unknown said...

Oh gods another Lucasfilms project. It'll be full of fake-looking CG and shit this time too. Who will the badguys be? The russians? Oh let me guess, some independant guy, some Dr. Evil type ala James Bond, ahem, Blonde. They'd never make it the Arabs.

I miss the Young Indiana Jones series that took place durring ww1. The germans are the perfect enemy. THey fit all the stereotypes of evil. Nowadays they dont even allow German nationals to smile on their ID photos, hillariously. They should've made a fourth right after the third. Set it durring ww2. Would've been so easy. So many Nazi seizures of occult and otherwise rare and significant valuable objects. The writers wouldnt even have to come up with anything new!

But alas, its probably not to be.

Unknown said...

Another thought:

How old was he when he was doing the last one? That would mean however much he's aged is how much further forward in time the story would have to be at. Again, no Nazis.

And fighting the Russians although fashionable, wouldnt have the same coolness to it.

The story would have to take place in the 60's or so. The era of the assault rifle and moral ambeguity. Indy with an M16 or AK or even a german G3 (looks like a mashup of the previous two) wouldnt work.

However, google "The Diggers of Moscow" - russia's sewer system is the most elaborate and the oldest on earth. Theres all sorts of Indy-worthy stuff there that dates back to the era of Ivan the Terrible. Theres occult stuff too. People even live down there year round. Its a crazy place. These digger guys make a living off of what they find down there, that and giving tours. They once found a stash of nuclear waste under the Moscow university and got the authorities to grudgingly remove it. Thats another thing. Russia is all about government conspiracies and different arms of the government not knowing what the other is doing.

Ashley said...

I'm not sure who he'll be fighting yet, I'm pretty sure they are going to have about 20 years go by, it's probally somthing to do with communism when i find out i'll let you know

Laurel said...

to bad i no longer have history teachers who feel that watching these movies is a valid use of class time

Myles said...

I thought The Mummy spoke volumes about the disintegrating relations between the British Empire and the Egyptians.

Ashley said...

I don't know about you guys but i can't think of easter island with out thinking of indiana jones "Easter Iland, easter I, easter Iland, easter I, I , I..."

Jess-Beast said...

This makes me so happy. I am marking this sucker so permenantly in my calendar that it's ridiculous! w00t! Just made this super geek happy! Did I mention how much I miss you, Ashley? And how you left before I could stalk you and give you your Christmas present?


<3 Jess