Saturday, May 27, 2006

Party TIME!!!!!

Don't forget, tonight at 8! I have a little veggie plater, a couple bags of chips, chex mix, diet coke, root beer, dr. pepper, and i'm making a cake, but if anyone can think of something else to bring go right ahead. The only bad news is my parents are getting back 10am Sunday morning and want everyone out by then :(...and i have basically one real parking spot and i can maybe fit one or two cars on the lawn, people can also park on center street...anywho i can't wait i'm very excited!

Thursday, May 18, 2006


Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Best Date Ever

So it was rainy and i was wearing new shoes and they killed my feet so instead of going to dinner we went to my dorm and watched walk the line, twice, we talked all the way through it both times and then we realized it was 3am and he had to take a cab home. His name is Alex. I think you guys will like him. He has the same sence of humor as me. he's a little bit older than me, but that doesn't seem to be a problem, my mommy said it was ok, lol. Anyway, he might come up to visit next week so maybe some of you can meet him.

And I'm home now! I got home on Tuesday, and if anyone is free this friday i was thinking of watching mission impossible in BF.

Anywho, I hope to see you soon!

And Sunday is my birthday! and a week and 3 days until my party!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Rain is Dumb!

Why is rain dumb:

1. It messes up my hair.

2. It makes a light tee-shirt, light bra combo very important

3. It's wet and often cold

4. It makes me sleepy

5. It's depressing

6. The drowned rat look will never be in

7. I was planning on taking my week off to walk around the city but it's raining

8. When it gets in my sneakers making my feet wet I feel cold for the rest of the day

9. I have a date on Saturday and it's going to rain, so I'm going to look like crap

10. When it's cold and rainy my nose runs, and I also hate runny noses.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Pedophiles and Perverts

So I went to the movies with some friends Thursday night, the movie theater was huge like three floors and you could by ice cream and uno's pizza to bring in the theater with you, but anyway we watched Hard Candy. You all know Patrick Wilson, Raoul from Phantom of the Opera, well picture him as the hottest pedophiles in the world. I didn't really know a lot about the movie when I went to see it which with this movie that's a good thing, because I never would have imagines the movie to turn out how it did. I will tell you that Sandra Oh has like a 5 min part and Ellen Page who plays Hayley in real life is 19, and for the slightly squeamish *cough Leah cough* I wouldn't recommended it. The movie isn't upbeat or romantic it's another one of the movies where they make the bad guy so cute and sometimes even likeable that you find yourself hoping things will turn out alright for him even if he doesn't deserve a happy ending.

And now for the pervert section of this post...

The first Friday of every month there's a big gallery opening in the South End. I guess a bunch of artists took these old abandoned factories and made them into studios and so now once a month anyone who wants to go in can and there's free food and wine (no i.d. needed but no i didn't drink any). The only problem is you have to walk a little ways from the T stop to the galleries which means walking in the south end which can be pretty sketchy. Me and about 5 of my friends were walking down the street and this middle age man waves and says "hello ladies" and then he walked right into a cement cylinder (you know the kind that keep cars from driving in certain places) anyway you can tell it hit his balls and hard because he kind of limped away and when we looked back he was like shaking out his legs, it was really funny, it's what you get when you try to hit on girls young enough to be your daughter.

Thursday, May 04, 2006


the most stressful part of my last few weeks of school is over! I was up until 2 Tuesday night and had to wake up at 6:30 then had class until 5:30 pm then i went to the red sox game, but i made it through. The only problem is I got my roommates cold and can't really talk right now but I don't even care all this stress is gone!
The red sox game was so much fun, it was cold and rainy and the red sox lost but it was such a great game. The only bad part of the game was when this girl wanted to talk to some people on the other side of me and parker and there were two empty seats between me and this guy she wanted to talk to and she stops right in front of me practically straddling me and starts talking to this guy. If you've ever been to fenway you know that it's tiny and there is no room for that crap. She was standing there for a few mins and i finally start craking up because it was so redicuolus and parker started laughing and then the girl finally moved over to the empty seats! I don't know what her problem was but Parker and I agree she smelled like old hooker, even though i've never smelled an old hooker before i'm guessing it smelled just like her.
Ok well i think i'm going to take a nice long afternoon nap and then clean my room and then watch some movies.
And when does everyone get back?