Friday, April 28, 2006

My next three weeks

Monday: Last figures class, Studio final, and last english class(big stupid paper due)
Tuesday: Last day to work in class on final projects for painting I, Art History Final
Wednesday: Figures final, Last day Lecture class(still need to write 6 short papers), Last day intro to tech (need to finish website), GOING TO RED SOX GAME WITH PARKER!!!!
Thursday:Final project in painting I due
Friday - Sunday: nothing
Monday: English final
Tuesday-Sunday: nothing
Monday: final crit

So basically my next week is going to be rough and instead of doing my work i'm sitting here writing on my blog. I guess this means that talking to you guys is more fun than writing 7 papers, doing 3 projcts, and finishing a website.


Leah said...

Ouch...good luck!!!

Me said...

Red sox game sounds fun....and then theres all that terrible school shit that you have to get done....

Jess-Beast said...

Just take it bits at a time, and try not to be overwhelmed. Save 15min- 1/2 an hour every day just to breath and relax. Oh, and take little breaks in the middle of things- that helps too (well, not when you're on a roll with things- but still).

Myles said...

See if you can pull off passing in a toilet seat as your final art project. It's not too late to go dada

Leah said...

Hey....our art museum has fancey bathrooms...even the toilet bowls are's really pretty!!!

Ashley said...

As much as i love Marcel Duchamp's 'the fountain' (that's going to be on my final tomorrow) i have to say that found objects or ready-mades really are no longer avant-garde. ...sorry i'm trying to study for my art history test and write a comment at the same time....