Monday, March 27, 2006

Brokeback Mountain

I think I was the last person at my school to watch Brokeback Mountain but I finally watched it last night (the school shows movies for free most Sunday nights). It was actually really good, and very sad. I didn't think I would be able to understand a romantic relationship between two men but i could compleatly relate to some of the things they were feeling (except the obvious im married to a woman and want to be with a man sort of problems). I think it's the kind of movie that Leah would give me disapproving looks all through but I still think Leah you might be able to enjoy it. I think the most disturbing part didn't even involve Heath Ledger and Jake's "relations" it actually had to do with a quick shot of a certain character's breasts (if/when you see it you should know what I mean).
Well that's about it :)
Wait...Just kidding that's not it. Today in my studio class (a.k.a. slow boring torture) we had to make a group project that involved touch, hearing and sight. so we took and orange and put paper clips on it to make it pointy, then wrapped a little string around the paper clips then made kind of a little ladder with wood and rubber bands and attached it to the orange and a chain of rubber bands on the other side of the orange so you could make the orange bounce when you hold the ends, anyway on each step of the ladder we wrote "Lick Me", "Touch Me" "Smell Me", "Break Me (because it kept falling apart)", "Hear Me" and then "Fuck Me". So it was basically 3 hours of trying to B.S. a project, the teacher actually liked it, and the other groups just kept saying how sexual they thought it was, and trust me if you didn't look at the writing you wouldn't think anything about it was sexual. So we did the math and we pay about $500/class, which means I paid $500 today to make a mutated sexual piece of fruit. It was a sad, sad day.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

How My Art History Teacher Saved "Bird in Space" and other things

Ok so keep in mind that my art teacher is this little 5 foot i think Itailan woman maybe in her late 40's, she's always very funny without meaning to be. Well she was showing us a slide of "Bird in Space" it's an abstract sculpture by Constantine Brancuse, and she started to tell us how she used to work at a musuem in Italy and this piece was there, she was working as a guard and was just looking at different works when she noticed a crack in "Bird in Space" so she reported it and they fixed it, with out her the crack could have gotten bigger then just snapped in half...then 5 minutes later she managed to break the slide projector, it was very cute.

Also Thursday night I watched Paradise Now, i won't tell you what it was about but it was sad and it was hard to believe that things like it actually happen, i think you should all watch it if you don' t mind subtitles. Then I watched The Squid and the Whale, it was alright if you have the chance you should watch it but dont exspect to be amazed.

As you may or may not know I'm planning on going to Italy my spring semester next year so I was looking at all the coures they offer and i'm not even joking when i tell you that they have History of Prostitution: from the Origins to the Renaissance, and Sociology and the History of the Italian Mafia! I am so excited i hate it because i want to take almost every class they offer but I can only go for a semester, i've started watching the Godfather, so far i've seen part I and Part II so that mafia class is looking pretty good. it's going to be tough.

And since Billy is still in high school we're going to prom, i think it's going to be akward but i get to get dressed up and that's all i really care about. I bought my dress Friday and i'm already having second thoughts, I always do this with dresses when i tried it on in the store i thought it made my butt look funny but i thought it was just my panties, but when i got home i tried it on with a different pair of undies and it still looked funny so either the dress looks funny or my but looks funny, course i dont know what i was thinking, a big butted girl buying a prom dress that shows off the butt! i hope i don't have to pull a Bridget Jones and get something for all my wobbly bits. But the front half looks pretty hot if you ask me, maybe i can just keep my back to the wall the whole time, i dont know, But i definatly missed you guys when I was trying on dresses cause no one here wanted to look at prom dresses with me so i had no one with me to here their opinion :( But i kept the recept so if i dont like i can always return it. But my shoes are amazing! i cant even descibe them but if i could go with just a bathrobe and my shoes i would.

OK this is the last thing i promise, April 1st and 2nd the high school is putting on Cinderella for anyone whose interested, i'm going because billy's an extra and wants me to cheer him on and depended on how bitchy and certain chorus teacher is i may or may not help with makeup. ok well that's all for now.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

I just don't get it...

Every night I go to the cafeteria hoping that tonight will be the night I will eat good food, and everynight I'm disappointed. Tonight they had something wrapped in tin foil labeled "vegan", some pork that looked like it had been sitting out for too long, and some perfectly fine chicken covered in bright red gunk. So I grabbed an apple and two slices of bread and a handful of chips, in a to-go container and went back to my room disappointed. The apple was really good, the chips were chips and the bread was stale and I couldn't get past the first bite.
I don't understand how the school could expect people to eat that stuff. They make vegan meal, vegetarian meals, cultural dishes, but what about meals for picky eaters?!?!?! I have to eat too! :( I'll have to give in and do some grocery shopping this weekend.

But on a positive note, I was the only one to bring in footage for my movie in intro to tech class, so I got a few brownie points and this guy in my class said that laurel was a "good actress" ;) I think he meant to say that he wanted her. My movie is kind of like a music video to Nina Simone's "Please don't Let Me Be Misunderstood" (the songs were randomly passed out) the song is about a guy who is apologizing to his girlfriend after beating her up, Billy plays the boyfriend and Laurel plays the girlfriend. Of course as my mom would say, getting Billy to look like a girlfriend beater is like trying to turn Bambi into a shark." But I think it's going to turn out all right.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

I have given in...

Three quarter through my freshman year and I've finally given and got a blog. I don't know why I didn't get one before, maybe because everyone else had one, or I thought it would be just another distraction. But I miss talking to my friends from high school and being able to rant about stupid things to them so I got a blog. :)