I think I was the last person at my school to watch Brokeback Mountain but I finally watched it last night (the school shows movies for free most Sunday nights). It was actually really good, and very sad. I didn't think I would be able to understand a romantic relationship between two men but i could compleatly relate to some of the things they were feeling (except the obvious im married to a woman and want to be with a man sort of problems). I think it's the kind of movie that Leah would give me disapproving looks all through but I still think Leah you might be able to enjoy it. I think the most disturbing part didn't even involve Heath Ledger and Jake's "relations" it actually had to do with a quick shot of a certain character's breasts (if/when you see it you should know what I mean).
Well that's about it :)
Wait...Just kidding that's not it. Today in my studio class (a.k.a. slow boring torture) we had to make a group project that involved touch, hearing and sight. so we took and orange and put paper clips on it to make it pointy, then wrapped a little string around the paper clips then made kind of a little ladder with wood and rubber bands and attached it to the orange and a chain of rubber bands on the other side of the orange so you could make the orange bounce when you hold the ends, anyway on each step of the ladder we wrote "Lick Me", "Touch Me" "Smell Me", "Break Me (because it kept falling apart)", "Hear Me" and then "Fuck Me". So it was basically 3 hours of trying to B.S. a project, the teacher actually liked it, and the other groups just kept saying how sexual they thought it was, and trust me if you didn't look at the writing you wouldn't think anything about it was sexual. So we did the math and we pay about $500/class, which means I paid $500 today to make a mutated sexual piece of fruit. It was a sad, sad day.