Thursday, January 24, 2008

Update Part II

I know you all probally already know this but I am terrible at keeping in contact with people. It's not that i don't care, I often wonder how people are that I don't see, there's just something on me that makes it almost impossible to pick up a phone or write an email.

So since i last wrote a blog I made a life size truncated torso in plaster that weighs about 150-200 pounds ( i'll post pictures later). then i came home for vacation for about a week. For the rest of vacation I worked at the library a couple times a week and mostly just relaxed. Alex and i went to Newbury Comics one night and bought a bunch of cheap DVDs all of which I highly recommend:


A Very Long Engagement

The Machinist

Sliding Doors

I couldn't find a sliding doors trailer but it's basically a romantic comedy with a twist, the movie is split in two , what would happen if a women makes a train and what would happen if she missed it.

City of God

Classes started on Tuesday, I'm now a senior, my classes are a mix of easy and hard.
I'm taking Printmaking II, Principles of Abstract Sculpture, Italian III, Arts and Human Development, Art Education: History and Philosophy, and senior studio.

Arts and Human Development, and Art Education: History and Philosophy might be my two hardest classes, they're grad classes.

Really all i've been doing is working and watching movies. Some good ones I've watched in theaters lately:

No Country for Old Men


Sweeny Todd

I Am Legend