Thursday, February 14, 2008

The New Indiana Jones Trailer is HERE!

This just might be the best valentine's day ever!

The only question I have is what kind of creepy thing will the have in the movie, the first one had snakes, the 2nd had bugs and the 3rd had rats, what else is there?

I know it's still a ways away but these things should be planed in advance, I'm thinking about having an Indiana Jones themed birthday party. But I will keep you up dated on that.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Update Part II

I know you all probally already know this but I am terrible at keeping in contact with people. It's not that i don't care, I often wonder how people are that I don't see, there's just something on me that makes it almost impossible to pick up a phone or write an email.

So since i last wrote a blog I made a life size truncated torso in plaster that weighs about 150-200 pounds ( i'll post pictures later). then i came home for vacation for about a week. For the rest of vacation I worked at the library a couple times a week and mostly just relaxed. Alex and i went to Newbury Comics one night and bought a bunch of cheap DVDs all of which I highly recommend:


A Very Long Engagement

The Machinist

Sliding Doors

I couldn't find a sliding doors trailer but it's basically a romantic comedy with a twist, the movie is split in two , what would happen if a women makes a train and what would happen if she missed it.

City of God

Classes started on Tuesday, I'm now a senior, my classes are a mix of easy and hard.
I'm taking Printmaking II, Principles of Abstract Sculpture, Italian III, Arts and Human Development, Art Education: History and Philosophy, and senior studio.

Arts and Human Development, and Art Education: History and Philosophy might be my two hardest classes, they're grad classes.

Really all i've been doing is working and watching movies. Some good ones I've watched in theaters lately:

No Country for Old Men


Sweeny Todd

I Am Legend