Thursday, September 20, 2007

Work, Work, Work

(Myles' comment reminded me of this comic)
I have no real purpose in writing right now, i'm just a little board and felt like rambling.

In my figure sculpture class we have projects we work on just in class and then compleatly independent outside projects of our choice. I'm making four 6-8" figure sculptures one of someone very fat, very thin, very old and I haven't decided the last one. I can really change my mind as a go along. I'm starting the fat one this weekend. I need to go to the hardwear store first and pick up some wire and stuff to make the armature (a structure for the clay to hold on to). I'm going to post some pictures as I work on it. I realized the other day that I don't have any pictures of my work on here.

My schedule at the library changed so now I won't be as busy during the week.

Parker is coming back from Egypt and Turkey on Wednesday. I'm pretty excited. I think he's staying at my place Wednesday night and then my mom is coming to get him at some point.

I got an email from my school today saying they are having a free school trip to Mt Monadnock. I think I'm going to go so if anyone's in the area on Sunday Sept 30th I will be on a Mt. They are giving us lunches and sweet rolls so the name of the trip is "The School of Hard Rocks and Sweet Rolls"! I think that is pretty amazing.

I watched East of Eden with James Dean the other day. :S The acting was great but the movie was awful. They took like the last 150 pages of this book and made it into a movie. They even left out one of the main characters, actually now that I think about it they left out everyone who wasn't in the last 150 pages too. I was so disappointed because I loved the book. My mom said the mini-seris done in the 80's was good as long as I overlooked how 80's it was. It's funny because the entire time I was watching it I was saying to Alex "They have to remake this". I went on imdb the next day and a remake of East of Eden is coming out in 2009. It was really weird. It's kind of like how if you just think "Boy I haven't seen Shawshank redemption in a while" within a week it's on tv.

anyway that's the end of my random babling

Sunday, September 16, 2007

It's Good to Be Back

I'm starting my secound full week of classes tomorrow. I find it's kind of hard to get back in the swing of things. I like all my classes so far, they seem like they are going to be a lot of work though. I'm taking Illustration techniques, Advanced Figure Sculpture, Printmaking, Ancient and Medeval Art History, Boston Skecthbook, and Psychology. And I'm back working at the library. Wednesdays and Thursdays I'm at school either in class or at work for at least 12 hours.

I unpacked the last box in my apartment on Friday. It feels so nice to be a little more settled. It still doesn't really feel like home. A lot of windows still need curtains, the oven isn't working right now (the landlord said it would be done in a week about 2 weeks ago :S), and we have this one room that compleatly empty that I'm not really sure what I'm going to do with yet. We're thinking about useing it as a studio space.

I put my Netflix on hold for the semester and started renting a ton of movies from the library. I watched Howl's Moving Castle for the first time. I didn't think I would like the story, I really just rented it because Hayao Miyazaki is supposed to be a fantastic animator. Anyway I loved it. I rented East of Eden and Lawerence of Arabia too, but I haven't watched them yet.