Tuesday, March 27, 2007

#11 Caddyshack

I know that Caddyshack is great but I couldn't seem to express with words how great it is so I had Alex write about it.

Why is caddyshack so fantastic? Well where do we begin? First off it has Rodney Dangerfield (his best movie next to Back to School and Easy Money), Chevy Chase (best movie next to Vacation and 3 Amigos) Ted Knight ( best movie next to, oh wait a minute), bill murray, and that gopher! the scene w/ the baby ruth in the pool, the scene with bill murray pretending he's at the masters, the part at the marina! I have had full conversations with people only using lines from this movie (hence the SNL sketch). All and all, if you need a reason to understand why this movie is so good then you have obviously never seen the movie, therfore not living your life to the fullest!

special geust writer Alex Cormack

ps is what the alphabet would look like with out Q and R

pps gunga alunga, gung gung gunga alunga
wise words from the Dali Lama

In other news...

www.AlexCormack.com is now up and running!

Alex has all his cartoons and some videos and what not on there, you should all go and check it out.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

#12 Animal House

Number one on most people's lists, Animal House is a classic. If you haven't seen it, watch it.

In other news...

I just got back from vacation. It was pretty boring I pretty much just sat around. I saw Ryan on Thursday, we went to see Reno 911. It was actually pretty funny.

Parker got back from his road trip. Monday we saw the 300, which didn't have much dialogue but what to you expect from a movie about Spartans? The best way to watch it is to try and ignore the violence and concentrate on the have naked men in fantastic shape.

I saw The Last King of Scotland, which was also violent but fantasic too. Forest Whitaker earned his Oscar. I rented Borat it was even funnier than I thought it was going to be. Sunday night I rented (Nexflixed) Stranger than Fiction. I think it was one of Will Ferrell's best movies yet. It was a comedy with a really good plot.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

#13 Little Miss Sunshine

Little Miss Sunshine is about a family going to California for a child beauty pageant. Of course the family is made up of a drug addict grandfather (Alan Arkin), a son who took a vow of silence (Paul Dano), a loser father (Greg Kinnear), a worn out mother (Toni Collette), the uncle (Steve Carell) a homosexual scholar who recently tried to kill himself and a daughter who wants more than anything to win the Little Miss Sunshine competition (Abigail Breslin)